On this episode, I’m talking with Kelly Duffy Ph.D. Kelly is a Wisconsin native who finally decided to trade in her snow shovel for sunscreen about a year ago when she moved to Arizona. She’s a wonderful mother to three energetic boys who keep life busy, fun and hilarious.
Kelly received her Ph.D. in Physiological Genomics in 2007 and spent several years as a research professor studying rare vascular diseases in children. Specifically, she worked with physician partners to find if they could develop more effective and less invasive ways to treat vascular malformations.
Unfortunately, about 5 years ago she became seriously ill. Kelly was eventually diagnosed with a rare disease of her own, causing her to quit her job so she could stay home and deal with the mounting health issues. For the past five years, she has struggled to do just that. Hundreds upon hundreds of doctor appointments, treatments, pills, and a battle to stay alive, until she found something that changed her life and put her on the path to finally healing her body.
Kelly is now healthier and happier than she has ever been and would not have changed this journey for anything in the world because it has led to this place, which is exactly where she was meant to be. She has no doubt that her background combined with the battle to overcome the seemingly insurmountable health issues for the past five years has been the broken road that led her to where she is today. This unforeseen path has allowed her the ability to share with us the knowledge of self-healing and improved quality of life.
Links, Resources & Show Notes: www.thesocialchameleon.show/Kelly-Duffy

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