Most experts make the mistake of picking just one mode to deliver their expertise through. Accountants make money through accounting. Trainers make money from training. Chef’s cook. You get the picture. The secret to becoming a niche leader and having more revenue, is to diversify how you deliver what you do.
Ronan Leonard teaches niche business owners and subject matter experts how to leverage their IP into additional revenue models and increase their industry profile all through the innovative concept of virtual Masterminds.
Ronan loves seeing the benefits that Mastermind groups have on both the instructors and participants and has helped 100’s of business owners increase authority, revenue, and expertise.
At 23 Ronan helped rescue passengers and fellow staff when the cruise ship he worked on sank off the wild coast of South Africa. For 9 years he continued to work on cruise ships sailing the world as a casino manager. His 1st business (a niche events company) grew from just 2 casino tables to over 50 and from 1 event a year to 300, becoming the largest gaming events company in Australia and creating a whole niche.
Why We Built Eccountability
When I looked around for other entrepreneurs like me — who constantly work on and not just in their business — I couldn’t find many. So, I joined a Mastermind session and finally found a way to stay accountable, share and receive solid advice, and make valuable connections.
After the session was over, I searched for more consistent ways to connect with like-minded business owners, only to find expensive courses or $300-a-session Mastermind meetings.
I was driven to create Eccountability — the platform that I so desperately needed — with the goal of connecting business owners across the globe, providing accountability and support for a fraction of the cost of what was available on the market.

Our Purpose
We’ve always been fascinated by what successful business owners do differently. It’s not just IQ, raw talent or even hard work, nor is it simply the drive to succeed.
The key differences is in who they connect with, what guidance they seek out and receive, and how they action that knowledge.
Our Philosophy
Entrepreneurship is a leading force of innovation. It is also a skill and passion that needs to be nurtured. Helping others is innate to us all and we support entrepreneurial individuals so they may achieve greater results than they could individually.
Learn more about Eccountability and how you can join a mastermind group at www.eccountability.io
7 steps to improve accountability | Free Mini Course
Accountability is nothing more than committing to a sequence of actions. Simply follow these 7 steps to improve accountability. Get it here
Recommendations From Ronan
The 5 WHY's Guide & Template
The 5-Whys is a simple brainstorming tool that can help QI teams identify the root cause(s) of a problem. Once a general problem has been recognized (either using the Fishbone Diagram or Process Mapping), ask “why” questions to drill down to the root causes. Asking the 5-Whys allows teams to move beyond obvious answers and reflect on less obvious explanations or causes.
Watch the shipwreck video and see his top 3 book recommendations at TheSocialChameleon.Show
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